Quick-Cook Bean Pot

Customer Comments

"I am always a skeptic when it comes to anything new that claims to be a better way to do anything. Imagine my surprise when I cooked my first batch of beans. They were done in much less time than if they were cooked by traditional methods, they had great texture, and they simply looked gorgeous in the Quick-Cook Bean Pot. I am a fan."

Del Sroufe, author of the NYT Bestseller Forks Over Knives The Cookbook.


"My Quick-Cook Bean Pot is an indispensable tool in my kitchen. I love how easy it is to have beans simmering in the background during the day and looking over and seeing the beautiful pot in my kitchen. It makes me smile as I await the delicious dishes I will make from a pot of perfectly cooked beans. The design is unique in that the beans circulate while they cook, making them the perfect texture in a short amount of time."

Tricia Wheeler, The Seasoned Farmhouse


“You’ll never have to soak beans overnight again with this nifty Quick-Cook Bean Pot from HnL Enterprises. This pretty pot made of stainless steel and brass is perfect for anyone who uses dry beans to make healthful meals, as it eliminates the need for soaking, drastically reduces cook time and evenly cooks all types of dry beans (as well as chickpeas, and split peas). Intended for stove top use, the cooked beans can also be stored in the same pot and refrigerated for several days. The Quick-Cook Bean Pot is also ideal for cooking grains and is attractive enough to leave on the counter when not in use. Available only through hnlltd.com. Prices range from $59.99 (60-ounce), $69.99 (90-ounce) and $89.99 (126-ounce).”

Kate Lawson, the food writer of The Detroit News; featured in “Good Stuff” column Thursday, May 7, 2015, Lifestyles section D, “Eats & Drinks.”


“I’ve just made the most delicious cannelloni and kale soup, using my new Quick-Cook Bean Pot to cook the creamy white beans. The Bean Pot is not only useful, but it is also a work of art. I treasure it along with such possessions as my Dansk cookware and Norwegian Ekornes recliner chair–all practical and beautifully crafted objects. When you purchase your own Quick-Cook Bean Pot, don’t hide it on closed kitchen shelves, but keep it on your stove-top, where you’ll enjoy its exquisite design.”

P. Trumps, Estero, Florida


“My Quick-Cook Bean Pot allows me to have beans available every day, ready from scratch in less than two hours. The pot fits in the refrigerator. I can make a great stir-fry, a one-dish meal, in ten minutes!”

K. V. Sproat, Chillicothe, Ohio


“The Quick-Cook Bean Pot is an essential tool in our kitchen; I make two pounds of black beans every two weeks and freeze the excess. I no longer soak beans overnight, and I am considering keeping another pot in our summer home in Wolfeboro.”

J. E. Gordon, Fairport, New York


“We really like our Quick-Cook Bean Pots and have a couple of new recipes we would like to share–black-eyed peas for New Years dinner and a Southwestern chili!”

G. T. Nichols, Columbus, Ohio


“When we first got the Quick-Cook Bean Pot, I thought it was gorgeous, but didn’t know how useful it would be. We’ve been using it for a couple of weeks now and love it. I just made pinto beans without soaking them, and it took less than an hour and a half in the bean pot. The beans are completely soft and cooked through. This pot is quickly becoming an essential piece in our kitchen arsenal. “

K. Marshall, Seattle, Washington


“The first time we used the Quick-Cook Bean Pot, we made black-eyed peas . . . in 40 minutes! Not too firm. Not too mushy. We were so pleased.”

A. Paul, edible Ohio Valley, Cincinnati, Ohio


“I love the Quick-Cook Bean Pot!!!! My son was recently diagnosed as allergic to wheat in addition to dairy. . .the cooker makes it so much easier to do veggie meals instead of meat all the time…”

K. Merryman, Upper Arlington, Ohio


“I am now the proud lover/owner of the Quick-Cook Bean Pot! I have been cooking up beans so easily. It is a beautiful sculpture, and amazingly fast. Also, I must tell you that I have never had such fast service as their company provides! Highly recommended:)”

K. R., Brookline, MA